Meet the Middle Ages


The Union Wars

The Union Wars

Constant wars were fought during the second half of the 15th century. The struggle for control over Sweden and Denmark went on and on. The survival of the Union was at stake.

When Karl Knutsson Bonde became King in 1448, Sweden left the Union. Karl Knutsson soon made enemies in Sweden. At the same time, the Danish King, Christian I, wanted to dethrone Karl and become King himself. Eventually, in 1457, Christian did succeed. For another seven years, there was a Union between the two countries. Karl Knutsson came back and there were new wars.

Three times, Karl attempted and succeeded to become King of Sweden. At his death in 1470, Denmark and Sweden were no longer united. The wars continued and in 1471 a Swedish army, led by Sten Sture, and a Danish army, led by Christian I, met at Brunkebergs-åsen on the outskirts of Stockholm. Sten Sture won the battle. Sweden kept its independence.

Riots and battles continued during the end of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th century. In 1520, Christian II defeated a Swedish army led by Sten Sture the Younger. Christian now became the King of Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Once again, a union was established.

The fights on the borders during the late 15th and beginning of the 16th century were very hard on the population. Soldiers were constantly marching through land and property, burning, plundering and destroying wherever they went. The peasants longed for the peaceful reign of Queen Margareta.