Meet the Middle Ages


The organisation of the monasteries and nunneries

The organisation of the monasteries and nunneries

The monasteries were led by an abbot and nunneries by an abbess They had a prior or prioress as their assistants. Some of the monks were ordained as priests. They said Mass and christened, confirmed, married and buried people. They also heard confessions. The nuns had daily visits from ordained monks or friars who said Mass together with them.

There were also laymen and lay-women in the monasteries and nunneries. They helped with practical work such as farming and cooking.

Before becoming a nun or a monk, one had to go through a period of probation. These boys and girls were called postulants. When they had given certain vows, they became novices. Later, when they were absolutely sure that they wanted to become a monk or a nun, they gave their ultimate vows.

Many monks and nuns were skilled in some special craft. Some of them were good at copying holy scriptures. These hand-written texts could be real pieces of art. Some nuns were very good at embroidery. The nuns at Vadstena were famous for their beautiful vestments and altar-cloths.