Meet the Middle Ages


Legends of saints

Legends of saints

The saints were role models to many people. Stories, or legends, described their extraordinary lives. People often knew these legends well, and used them to help and guide them in their own lives. "St. Olav did this… then perhaps I can, too?"

The legends were read at church when the saint in question was celebrated. On Sundays, the priest might read a sermon about the life of a saint.

When the friars were preaching in the country-side, they told the legends of the saints, for example of St. Eskil, St. Katarina or St. Sigfrid. The legends were often dramatic and exciting stories which people enjoyed listening to. People also learned something from them.

In Norway and Iceland, the legends were written down in special books.

There were legends about all saints. Some of the legends were better known than others. In the Nordic countries the legends of Erik, Olav, Knut, Sigfrid and Birgitta were known to most people. There were also legends of Eskil, Lucia, Katarina, Nicolaus and Cecilia, as well as tales of the Holy Apostles, the Virgin Mary and her mother Anna.

Take a look in the calendar to find out which saint is celebrated today.