Meet the Middle Ages


Thoughts about death

Thoughts about death

During the Middle Ages, illness and death were very much a part of everyday life.

To die well, meant to be able to prepare for your death. You had to make peace with everyone, even your enemies. When death approached, whether due to old age or illness, the priest was called for. A last prayer was said and the priest anointed the dying person with oil - the so-called Extreme Unction. After this, one could die in peace.

It was thought very bad to die unexpectedly, for example in an accident. The worst way to die was on the battlefield.

People of the Middle Ages did not see death as the end. They hoped for eternal life in Heaven. This belief brought about a deeply serious view on life. It was thought to be very important to live well, and to be kind to one ´s fellow human beings. Every person was responsible for their own lives - if you led a bad life, if you did not honour God and if you harmed the people around you, you might risk God ´s rejection after death. The Devil was also present in the lives of people in the Middle Ages. People were afraid to find themselves in Hell after death.

The soul had to be purified before being allowed to enter the kingdom of Heaven. This took place in purgatory, the cleansing fire. The time spent in purgatory could be shortened by prayers or masses said by the surviving relatives.