Meet the Middle Ages




Just like today, parents loved their children in the Middle Ages.

Today, we often think that children in the Middle Ages were just miniature adults to their parents. However, medieval tales tell us about children playing noisily and happily. There is also a story about a father who gladly would have given away his farm to get his child back. The child was lost in the woods. That is evidence of strong fatherly love! There is also a story of a mother who felt guilty because she had to work so much that she had to leave her children alone. Mothers who work hard is nothing new. In these tales, there is a very strong feeling of love between parent and child.

Children were treated like children until the age of 10 or 12. After that they were expected to join in the lives of the grown-ups.

Read more about children and young people under "Town Life" and "Country Life"