Meet the Middle Ages




The citizens who lived in the towns made a living either from trade or from craft. A person who wanted to go into business as a merchant or a craftsman had to ask for permission. If there was a demand for his wares or his craft, he could set up business. He had to have a home in town and he had to have two men testify that he was a reliable man. After becoming a citizen of the town, he could set up business.

As a citizen, he could be elected a member of the Council, thereby gaining the right to have his say at the Council meetings. He also had to do his duty as a night-watch and fire-guard. The citizen also had an obligation to take part in the defence of the town.

Sometimes a woman could become a citizen, for example if her husband died and she was able to take over his business. However, most people in town were not citizens, or burghers. The apprentices, servants, housekeepers, priests, jesters and many others who lived and worked in town, had none of these rights and duties.

Read more about the town under "Town Life"