Meet the Middle Ages


Kalmar Town

Kalmar Town

The people of Öland were in frequent contact with the city of Kalmar. The main crossing has always been at Färjestaden. The Ölanders delivered fish to the town and to the castle. They moored at "Fiskabänken" just outside the town wall, near Kalmar Castle. Many people from Öland bought and sold goods in Kalmar.

In Kalmar, there was an enormous church. Its spires could even be seen from Öland. Here one could hear foreign languages, for example German. There would be a lot to tell after a visit to Kalmar. A great many interesting things could be bought. The people of Öland could bring home salt and exotic and expensive spices such as pepper, cloves, ginger, cinnamon and saffron. Flemish cloth could be bought at the ware-house "Panneryng" near the harbour. One could also buy wines from France or the Rhine, or German beer. Perhaps one had a feast when one returned to Öland.

Once a week a market was held in Kalmar. At St. Bartholomew ´s – at the end of August – the biggest fair of the year was held. Then people from the countryside came to town to buy and sell.

One street in town was called "Öningagatan". People from Öland stayed here. Several Ölanders are known to have lived in Kalmar, for example Elaus Öning and Per Öning.
Read more about Kalmar Town in "Möre".