Meet the Middle Ages


Tax and labour service

All visits to town may not have been pleasant.

If the Royal Bailiff lived in the town, the peasants paid their taxes to him on certain occasions. They brought farm-produce such as butter, cheese, meat, skins and fish or iron, as well as the sum of money agreed upon. Sometimes the King requested extra taxes from all peasants. This happened when the country was at war and the troops needed food, or when a royal visit was expected ,or when an important meeting was to be held. The King sometimes requested additional taxes when he or his children were getting married.

The peasants also had to do labour service at the Royal Castle. They were called in when additional building or repairs were needed. Then, they had to leave all work at their farms, even if it was in the middle of the harvest, and come to the castle at once. All peasants had to bring their own building materials: stone, timber or iron.

The peasants were expected to keep arms and had a duty to take part in the defence of their country. When the Royal Bailiff summoned them, they had to prepare themselves to go off to war immediately.